Sweden won semi-final easy!

by | Feb 1, 2019 | Tournaments, world-championship-men-2019

Sweden had, as expected, no problem with going to the final in the tournament, but the team won a simple victory against Kazakhstan. “An ordinary day at work” it looked like for Sweden. The team was focused on tomorrow’s final game against Russia. The team looks to be the strongest in the world right now and will be the favorites for gold.
Goals in this semi-final:

1-0 Per Hellmyrs (4 mins)
2-0 Erik Petterson (5)
3-0 Adam Giljam (10)
4-0 Christoffer Edlund (17)
5-0 Christoffer Fagerström (24)
6-0 Christoffer Edlund (25)
7-0 Erik Pettersson (28)
8-0 Erik Pettersson (33)
9-0 Felix Pehrsson (35) Penalty stroke
9-1 Artem Vshivkov (41)
10-1 Christoffer Edlund (42)
11-1 Erik Pettersson (44)
12-1 Erik Pettersson (48)
13-1 Simon Jansson (56)
14-1 Christoffer Fagerström (58)
15-1 Christoffer Edlund (61)
16-1 Felix Pehrsson (65)
17-1 Christoffer Fagerström (77)
18-1 Johan Löfstedt (79)
19-1 David Pizzoni Elfving (80)
20-1 Christoffer Fagerström (82