Trine Kei Grande – Minister of Culture and Gender Equality

– The Bandy Federation deserves praise for the fact that they will raise the status of women’s bandy by taking the responsibility for the World Championships in 2020. This initiative will raise the championship so that it will be as good as the tournament for men. It is precisely such initiatives that we wish to support through the new grant scheme for championships, says Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Trine Skei Grande.

– Bandy is a good example of a sport that is not very visible. It is a relatively small sport in Norway and also a sport where conditions should be better suited for female practitioners. It is rather not easy for small sports to earn sponsorship income. We know that women practitioners exercise to a greater extent than men experience challenges when they invest in a sports career. With less sponsorship income, and prize money, the financial uncertainty is greater. This means that many people have to work or study and get less time to train – and perhaps they finish their career earlier. An international event will contribute to breaking this circle, says the Minister of Culture and Gender Equality.

The Norwegian Bandy Federation is entirely dependent on public support to implement a World Championship for women. An international championship in Norway will provide good publicity and contribute to more girls being recruited to the bandysport.

The Ministry has allocated NOK 20 million (Euro 2,1 million) for sports purposes for a trial scheme to encourage applicants who have not arranged international championships or have not arranged championships for very long. The Ministry demands an open application process, realistic budgeting and an anti-doping work in accordance with WADA’s regulations.