The TUE procedures

by | Aug 15, 2019 | Anti-Doping

Athletes, like people in general, may have illnesses or conditions that require them to use medications or undergo procedures. If the medication or method an athlete requires to treat an illness or condition is covered by the Prohibited List, a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) will give that athlete the authorization to use, the needed but otherwise prohibited, medicine or method.

Criteria for granting a TUE

An athlete may be granted a TUE if he/she can show that each of the following conditions are met:

  • The athlete has a clear diagnosed medical condition which requires treatment using a prohibited substance or method.
  • The therapeutic use of the substance would not produce significant enhancement of performance beyond the athlete’s normal state of health.
  • There is no reasonable therapeutic alternative to the use of the prohibited substance or method.
  • The necessity to use that substance or method is not a consequence of the prior use (without a TUE), of a substance or method which was prohibited at the time of use.

How to apply

  • National-level Athletes apply to their National Antidoping Organization (NADO) and International-Level Athletes to their International Federation. For applications to Federation of International Bandy (FIB) the following TUE application form shall be used.
  • The application shall be followed by a medical record supporting the diagnosis and medication or treatment, including medical history, results of examinations, laboratory investigations and imaging studies.
  • For your assistance, WADA provide a Checklist for TUE Applications adjusted to different diagnoses.

For further information, WADA has also developed several documents on Medical Information to Support TUE decisions, which are used as guidelines for TUE Committees.

The TUE procedures

    1. Check the required medication or method you intend to use against The Prohibited List. It is each athlete´s responsibility to ensure that no prohibited substance enters his/her body and that no prohibited method is used.
    2. As an athlete, you have the responsibility to inform your doctor that you are an athlete subject to doping rules, and your doctor should check the relevant Prohibited List whenever they prescribe a medication or method to you.
      If the medication/method is prohibited, check with your doctor if there are any alternative treatments that are not prohibited. If not, you may need to apply for a TUE.
    3. If you are NOT an International-Level Athlete, you should normally apply to your National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO). You will find more information on the relevant organization’s website. FIB will automatically recognize all TUEs approved by a NADO in accordance with the ISTUE.
    4. If you ARE an International-Level-Athlete you must apply directly to the FIB, using its specific TUE application form.
    5. To assist you and your doctor in providing the correct medical documentation, we suggest consulting the WADA’s Checklist for TUE applications and the Medical Information to Support the Decisions of TUECs posted on WADA’s website for guidance and support.
    6. You should always apply as soon as possible. For substances prohibited In-Competition only, you should apply at least 30 days before your next competition if possible. Retroactive TUE Applications are only acceptable under certain circumstances.
    7. Incomplete applications will be returned for completion and re-resubmission.
    8. Your application will be assessed by the FIB TUE Committee (TUEC), which will decide whether to grant the application or not as soon as possible, and usually (i.e., unless exceptional circumstances apply) within 21 days of receipt of a complete application. Where a TUE application is made a reasonable time prior to an event, the TUEC will use its best endeavors to issue its decision before the start of the event.
    9. Remember to always keep a copy of your full TUE application form and all medical information submitted in support of your application and proof that it has been sent.

    Note: Using a prohibited substance or method without a valid TUE could result in an anti-doping rule violation.

    Learn more:

Updated February 17, 2023