Narukerä new Finnish Champion!

by | Mar 12, 2023 | News

Narukerä from Pori is the Champion of the Finnish bandy!

The final match was played on Saturday, March 11, in Pori. Narukerä won 7-3 (4-0) against Kampparit, Mikkeli. 2,500 spectators was in the stands. The fans of Narukerä have been waiting for 25 years to win the Championship.

Narukerä started very offensiv and had a 4-0 lead before the first goal came from Kampparit. There was no doubt what team was the best in this final game.

– We started this project five years ago and here is the prize, the Finnish championship. Now we enjoy this victory, but the goal is to enjoy the success of this team in Pori in the future as well. At least that’s what we’re aiming for, says the Narukerä captain Ville Aaltonen.

The goals in the Finnish final Narukerä–Kampparit 7-3 (4-0)

1-0 (3) Joona Rajala, assist Eero Paavola
2-0 (13) Vili Korhonen0
3-0 (43) Ville Aaltonen, assist Eero Paavola
4-0 (45) Rasmus Arponen, assist Eero Paavola
4-1 (55) Kimmo Huotelin, assist Aki Manninen
5-1 (59) Tomi Mustonen
6-1 (65) Lauri Sirén, assist Ville Koskinen
7-1 (72) Vili Korhonen
7-2 (89) Janne Hauska, assist Aki Manninen
7-3 (92) Tuomas Liukkonen, assist Tomi Hauska

Mats-Olof Gustafsson, Tom Niiranen, Harri Pietiläinen

Photo: Finnish Bandy Federation Website