by | Feb 2, 2024 | News

FIB has to report 2 cases of doping in the world of bandy. The nations in question are Kazakhstan and Russia.

FIB reports that an athlete from Kazakhstan has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for Indapamide (S5. Diuretics and Masking Agents) and Meldonium (S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators) and has been provisionally suspended as of 15 January 2024. In any case where it is determined that the Athlete did not commit an anti-doping rule violation, the relevant decision will also be published. FIB will not make any further comments on the case until it is closed.

FIB reports that an athlete from Russia has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for SARMS enobosarm (ostarine) ( S1.2 Other Anabolic Agents) and has been provisionally suspended as of 15 January 2024. In any case where it is determined that the Athlete did not commit an anti-doping rule violation, the relevant decision will also be published. FIB will not make any further comments on the case until it is closed.