News from FIB Executive Committee

by | Jun 8, 2024 | News

Photo: FIB

On Friday afternoon, June 7, the FIB Executive Committee (EC) held its last meeting ahead of the 2024 FIB Congress, in Stockholm, Sweden. Even though it was its last meeting before a new Executive Committee is elected at the FIB Congress, they made several important decisions. Among them was the appointment of the FIB Athletes Committee which then shall be ratified today, Saturday 8 June, by the FIB Congress. 

The EC also approved the Terms of Reference of the FIB Hall of Fame and appointed Magnus Sköld as the Chair of the Board of Trustees. 

One of the main goal of the EC was to harmonize the event related documents for the different type of FIB Events in order to ensure that the same conditions apply for each host.

The present members of FIB EC, from left, Arne Anderstedt, Antti Parviainen, Magnus Sköld, Stein Pedersen and Attila Adamfi. Photo: FIB

Stein Pedersen, FIB President summarized today’s meeting and the term of the EC:
-Today we had a very fruitful Executive Committee Meeting here in Stockholm, Sweden, concluding our 4 year term. Even today we had made very important decisions such as the creation of the FIB Hall of Fame and approval of members to the FIB Athletes Committee creating a pathway to direct athletes representation in the EC.”

-We are extremely happy of what the EC has achieved in a short period such as:

  • Return to Competitions, despite difficult times;
  • Modernization of the Federation;
  • Implementation of Governance Reforms;
  • Inclusion of Women and Athletes in the Governing Bodies;
  • Conclusion of the WADA Code Compliance Procedures.”

-With these improvements, I am happy to finalize our term and leave a legacy that we are all proud of. In addition, I take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues from the Executive Committee for their valuable contribution during our term, completed Stein Pedersen.